This week we check out what was happening in Ansonia, Derby, Oxford, Seymour and Shelton 99 years ago!
Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1926
Wedding Tomorrow
ANSONIA – The wedding of Miss Adele Mikolaitis of this city, and Anthony Sakalis of Scranton, PA, will be solemnized tomorrow morning at St. Anthony’s Lithuanian R.C. Church.
Thursday, Jan. 21. 1926
Ice Cutting Stopped
ANSONIA – The thaw has stopped ice cutting at the Quillinan reservoir on Beaver Street. About half of the pond was cut when the ice started to melt and it became necessary to quit work. The ice still on the reservoir has been going fast the past few days and another continued cold spell will be needed to renew operations.
Franklin School Held Exercises
DERBY – The pupils of Franklin School observed Thrift Week by holding exercises at the East Derby school on Wednesday afternoon. The various grades assembled in the corridor on the second floor of the building about 1:30 o’clock and the program opened with the singing of ​“America.”
To Have Hearings
SEYMOUR – Two Seymour men will be given hearings at the county court house, New Haven, Tuesday, on motor violations. The cases of Dimitry Dytko, for reckless driving, and Nikita Rudenko, for driving under the influence of liquor, will be heard.
Friday, Jan. 22, 1926
Public Card Party
ANSONIA – There was a good attendance at the card party held last evening in the rooms of the Ansonia Girls Club. Card playing commenced at 8 o’clock and at the close of playing, handsome prizes were awarded to the winners. Refreshments were served after the card playing.
Italian-American Gridiron Warriors Are Given A Testimonial Dinner
DERBY – A testimonial banquet was tendered to the members of the Italian-American football team, considered the ​“Valley champs,” of the lower Naugatuck Valley for 1926 at Hollywood Inn in Ansonia Thursday night. About 35 members, including the players, invited guests and members enjoyed a sumptuous repost with a half of a baked chicken being the feature of the festivity which the players, as well as their loyal rooters, tackled in a proper manner.
Madame Eva Gauthier Sings At Sterling
DERBY – Eight hundred people crowded their way into the Sterling Theater last night at the guest night entertainment of the Women’s Club of Ansonia, Derby and Shelton, where Madama Eva Gauthier and Geroge Gershwin presented a concert program combining the opera classics with modern jazz.
Madame Gauthier, from her first appearance on the stage, held her audience with her charming personality as much as with her voice. The program was without question the finest musical entertainment which this city has enjoyed in many years.
Saturday, Jan. 23, 1926
Kid Silver Ready
ANSONIA – Kid Silver, local bantamweight, is all set for his postponed bout in Bayonne, NJ Monday night with Mickey Walters, a tough product of the Metropolitan fight circles, who he was scheduled to battle a week ago. The weather and illnesses of several of the fighters on the card caused the postponement. Silver is slated to go 10 rounds with Walters and as he has trained hard and faithfully, is confident in winning.
271 Births
DERBY – For the year ending Jan. 31, 1925, the Griffin Hospital has a record of 271 births, an increase of 31 over the number of the previous year.
Eclipse Anniversary
SEYMOUR – One year ago today, Seymourites were privileged to witness the total eclipse, the crowning celestial event of the century. It actually took place on January 24th, which however fell on a Saturday, thus making it a year ago today. It will be remembered that the day was very cold and bright before the eclipse and that there was snow on the ground, much like today.
Bridge Finished
SEYMOUR – The work on the Broad Street Bridge has been completed, subterranean supports, guard rails and all. Now residents have no reason to fear crossing this bridge, no matter how much poundage one may carry. Many workmen were employed by the state highway department repair section for this work.
Sunday, Jan. 24, 1926
The Evening Sentinel Didn’t Publish on Sundays AND NEITHER DO WE
Monday, Jan. 25, 1926
Paugassett’s Banquet
DERBY – The members of the Paugassett Hose Company are making extensive arrangements for their annual banquet, which is to be served next Saturday evening in the truck room of the company. The committee in charge is leaving nothing undone to make the affair quite as successful as similar events given by the company in previous years. The invited guests and speakers will include city officials and officials of the fire department.
Skating Good
SEYMOUR – Skating in town was very good on Beecher’s Pond on Bank Street last evening, and drew the largest crowd of skaters numbering several hundred.
Real Estate Ad
SEYMOUR – Seymour property for sale:
5‑room house, $2,800
6‑room house, $4,000
7‑room house, $4,000
Lund Co. Realtors, 82 Main St., Seymour