Boy Scout Troop 3, sponsored by the Derby 2nd Congregational Church, recently held a Court of Honor at the church hall.
Founded in 1914, the troop is celebrating 100 years of providing Scouting to youths of the Lower Naugatuck Valley.
Housatonic Council BSA Scout Executive Kevin Bishop presented Troop 3 with the Quality Unit Award for meeting a high standard of goals in areas of advancement, membership, training and community service.
District Director and Strang Scout Reservation Camp Director Bill Zinky was also on hand to promote the summer camping opportunities at the Goshen scout camp. In addition, Zinky provided the annual Friends of Scouting where more than $7,000 was pledged by Troop 3 families to support the Valley’s Housatonic Council BSA.
The Troop 3 Committee Chairman announced the scouts who were selected to participate in the Troop’s International Exchange Program.
Scouts who will be representing Troop 3 as exchange scouts to Derby, England are Senior Patrol Leader Ryan Cafaro and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Anthony Bartholomew. Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Justin Patten and Junior Assistant Scoutmaster Matthew Moran will represent the troop as exchange scouts to Limerick, Ireland.
The troop will also be hosting three scouts from Limerick, two scouts from Derby and two scouts from Peterborough, England this summer.
The English and Irish scouts will be part of Troop 3’s contingent participating in a three-week cross country camping trek visiting national parks. The international exchange program is made possible through the generosity of Dr. Robert Feeney, a Troop 3 alumnus.
The Court of Honor ceremony under the direction of Patrol Leader James Chopak and Advancement Chairperson Margie Kish, recognized 27 scouts for earning the following merit badges and advancing in rank: Anthony Bartholomew: Climbing, Matthew Cafaro: Climbing and Space Exploration, Ryan Cafaro: Climbing and Crime Prevention, Andrew Devine: Climbing
Jason Edwards: Climbing, Matt Edwards: Climbing and Crime Prevention, Vinny Fazzino: Climbing, Michael Flora Jr: Climbing, Emergency Preparedness, Farm Mechanics and Rifle Shooting. Also, Ben Grasso: Citizenship in the World, Matthew Kish: Climbing, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the World, Farm Mechanics and Radio, Ryan Kish: Climbing, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the World, Radio and Space Exploration.
Brandon Kling: Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Radio, Snow Sports and Space Exploration, Naveen Madivala: Climbing and Crime Prevention, Colby McLiverty: Climbing and Citizenship in the World, Elliott Moscato: Climbing and Citizenship in the World
Justin Patten: Climbing, Louis Richetelli: Climbing and Space Exploration, Adam Sroka: Citizenship in the World, Michael Shea: Citizenship in the Nation and Citizenship in the World, Joseph Szewczyk: Climbing and Crime Prevention, Zachary Thomas: Crime Prevention and Steven Tracz: Citizenship in the World and Family Life
Earning Scout Rank was Vincent Yanez. Second Class Rank was awarded to Vinny Fazzino, Jayson Hutchinson, Thomas Robertson and Zachary Thomas.
First Class Rank was presented to Elliott Moscato and William Smith. Life Rank was earned by Jason Edwards and Michael Shea.
New Scouts who crossed over from Cub Scout Pack 3 into Boy Scout Troop 3 are: Alex Oleschuk, Andrew Kluk, Jared Tobin, Brandon Yanez, Aaron Asprelli, Bobby Stankye, and Mike Szewczyk.
Troop 3 still has several openings for boys at least 11 years old who would like to experience the self confidence and character building adventures that Scouting has to offer.
Contact Scoutmaster Randy Ritter, 203 – 732-0343 for more information.