Turtle Shell Fund Gives $4,500 To Shelton Schools

The Mary A. Schmecker Turtle Shell Fund, a nonprofit in the Valley, has awarded a one-time grant of $4,500 to all K thru 6 art programs within Shelton Public Schools.

The Turtle Shell Fund’s mission is to further music and art education for our area’s youth.

Last year, they gave a $3,000 grant to the Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley to implement three programs: Art, Photography and Robotics.

The Turtle Shell Fund is best known for presenting Soupstock Music & Arts Festival which takes place at Veteran’s Memorial Park in Shelton every spring.

Their second signature event, In Love & Chocolate: A Fundraiser for Spooner House and The Mary A. Schmecker Turtle Shell Fund, is in its third successful year.

This year it will be taking place on Sunday, Feb. 16 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Shelton Courtyard by Marriott, 780 Bridgeport Ave. in Shelton, CT.

Tickets are available at Liquid Lunch at 6 Research Drive, Marks of Design at 500 Howe Ave. and via Paypal at www.turtleshellfund.com.

All tickets purchased through our website will be held at Will Call for day of event.

Please email Nicole at nicole@soupstockfestival.org with any questions or vendor inquiries.

If you’d like to learn more about us, please visit us at www.turtleshellfund.com and find us on Facebook.

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