Twitter Posts Fuel Shelton Rumor

A rumor about a threat to Shelton High School spread like wildfire through the community Thursday night, putting some parents on edge Friday.

The rumor was fueled by posts by students on Twitter, some of whom even identified a particular student as having made a threat.

The problem — the student didn’t threat anyone, so the threat was deemed as not credible. 

In fact, school officials said there was nothing to signify anyone made a threat of any kind.

School administrators are trying to figure out how and why the information originated.

The viral rumor was so persistent, Superintendent Freeman Burr posted a note on the school district’s website late Thursday reassuring the community that everything was OK.

Some parents used the Valley Indy Facebook page to complain that district officials didn’t do enough to dispel the rumors. Not too many parents visit the district’s website, they said. 

Robocalls or a mass e‑mail to Shelton High School parents would have been more effective, they reasoned.

Burr told the Valley Indy Friday his response was measured by the fact he was reacting to a falsehood. Some e‑mails and Tweets were sent out dispelling the rumor, he said.

He said the response will most likely be discussed at an upcoming school board meeting.

Burr posted a second message on the school district website Friday again reassuring the community that it was a normal day of school.

Administrators were on alert” in case any students or parents were concerned, Burr told the Valley Indy.

This is just a note to let you know that I was at SHS this morning and everything is fine. The school is operating just like any other day,” Burr said. Administration and school security were on alert this morning and there was greater police presence in the building for student arrival. It must be clearly understood and noted that the alleged threat was just a rumor and no threat was confirmed or substantiated as having been made at all! It was fueled through social media.”

Police were advised of the situation, Burr said.

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