Two 15-year-old pedestrians were hit by a car on River Road Friday afternoon, police said.
The teens, both of Shelton, were taken to Bridgeport Hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
The Shelton Police Department Traffic Division and Reconstruction team is still investigating the motor vehicle accident, which occurred on River Road (Route 110) at Sunnyside Drive.
The accident was called in at 2:45 p.m.
A 2000 Toyota Tacoma Pickup truck operated by Michael Daniels, 55-years-old of High St. Extension, Thomaston, CT was travelling south on River Road and struck one male 15-year-old pedestrian, and one female 15-year-old pedestrian.
The investigators are still on the scene and River Road has been reduced to just one lane of traffic in this area. Heavy delays in this area can be expected at least through rush hour.
The driver or the pedestrians have not been charged as of this time as the investigation is continuing.
Investigators are interviewing witnesses to determine if the youths were in the crosswalk.