In the box on the right side of the ballot, there is a "yes" missing in question 2 of "Vote on the question(s)."
DERBY — The city’s ballot for the Nov. 8 election will have to be printed again because of a typo, Mayor Rich Dziekan said.
Corrected absentee ballots are scheduled to be mailed today (Thursday, Oct. 13).
Voters are being asked next month to choose candidates for state and federal offices.
In Derby, voters are also being asked whether to approve borrowing $3 million to pave the roads.
Above the Derby road bond question there’s supposed to be two circles next to two words — ‘yes’ and ‘no.‘
Voters are supposed to fill in the circle next to ‘yes’ to vote yes, or fill in the circle next to ‘no’ to vote no.
However, the word “yes” is missing from the road bond ballot question. See the image at the top of this story.
The mistake wasn’t caught by Derby City Hall staff, the printing company, or the secretary of state’s office, according to Derby City/Town Clerk Marc Garofalo.
The city mailed out 191 absentee ballots with the mistake.
“We mailed out approximately 115 on Friday and 76 on Tuesday for a total of 191,” Garofalo said.
The ballots arrived in residents’ mailboxes on Saturday and Wednesday. Monday was a holiday.
The mistake was pointed out by a private citizen on Wednesday.
Garofalo said new absentee ballots were scheduled to be sent Thursday. Garofalo also wrote a letter explaining the issue. The letter is republished below.
Voters who received the ballot with the mistake can still use the ballot, if they so choose. If they fill out the circle where “yes” is supposed to be, that will be counted as a “yes” vote, Garofalo said.
If they haven’t filled out the absentee ballot, the resident can toss the ballot with the mistake and send back the revised, corrected ballot.
If a voter sends back both the ballot with the typo and the ballot with the correction, only the ballot with the correction will be counted, Garofalo said.
Of the 191 absentee ballots mailed, 25 completed ballots were sent to Derby City Hall as of Thursday morning, Garofalo said.
The city has ordered a new set of ballots to be used at polling places on Election Day.
“The entire process is governed by CT General Statutes with direction and guidance by the Secretary of the State’s Office,” Garofalo said.
Anyone with questions should call the city/town clerk’s office at 203.736.1462 ext. 0. The email is townclerk@derbyct.gov.
October 12, 2022
Dear Derby Voter,
It has come to our attention that there was an error on the absentee ballot that was issued to you.
The error is on Question 2. While there are two bubbles to cast your vote, the left bubble does not have the label “Yes.”
Pursuant to Connecticut General Statute 9 – 135b, this office has caused the re-printing of Absentee ballots for the 2022 General Election. That is why you are receiving a complete new Absentee Ballot set.
Please be assured that only one of your returned ballots will be counted.
If you already sent your ballot back and filled in one of the bubbles on Question 2, your vote will count as cast. If you are satisfied with that vote, then you do not need to take any further action. You can destroy the new ballot set.
If you already sent your ballot back and would like to cast your votes on the new ballot, please complete the new ballot set and return it in the regular method and only your new vote will be counted as cast.
If you only send one ballot back, either the 1st ballot or the 2nd ballot, the ballot you send back will be counted as submitted.
If you send both ballots back, then only the 2nd ballot will be counted.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office at the number above and we will be happy to answer any questions you have regarding absentee voting.
Marc J. Garofalo, MPA, CMC, CCTC
Town/City Clerk