Valley Indy Radio: Jason Carlucci Of The Dew Drop Inn

DERBY — With good food, great beer and strong community spirit, Jason Carlucci established The Dew Drop Inn in Derby as a destination spot for the region.

Not he’s wondering how long he and his 32 employees can hold out because of the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 virus.

In this episode of Navel Gazing: The Valley Indy Podcast,’ Carlucci talks about the challenges and what may lie ahead. Press play to listen.

The Dew is still providing takeout food and beverage. Call the biz at (203) 735‑7757 to place an order.

Check em out on Facebook:

This podcast is sponsored by

Resources for local businesses

The Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce, either on its website or Facebook page, has been constantly posting COVID-19 related info for businesses.

Click here to visit the Chamber’s website.

Click here to visit the Chamber’s Facebook page.

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) to email Bill Purcell, the Chamber’s president and CEO.

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) to email Nancie Gray, the Chamber’s vice-president.

The state’s Department of Economic and Community Development is another resource. Click here for the DECD website.

The DECD posted this on the web: We know many Connecticut businesses are struggling as they deal with the effects of COVID-19. We appreciate their perseverance and know they share our commitment to keeping our residents healthy. The state, working with its federal partners, has several programs and initiatives in place to assist businesses during this difficult period. For specific questions related to small business, email the Joint Information Center at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), or call the DECD small business hotline at 860 – 500-2333. Individuals can call 2 – 1‑1 for more information. For the most updated information, click here.”

State lawmakers who represent the Naugatuck Valley are also a resource. This list is not complete, but:

State Rep. Kara Rochelle has been using Facebook to update the public, including the local business sector, on matters related to COVID-19.

State Rep. Themis Klarides, the House minority leader, has been posting updates to Facebook, including a video.

State Rep. Nicole Klarides-Ditria has been posting daily updates to Facebook. Residents can also sign up to receive emails.

State Rep. Jason Perillo

State Rep. Ben McGorty

State Sen. George Logan

The YouTube (audio-only) version of the interview is below:

Navel Gazing: The Valley Indy Podcast” is a weekly talk show on this website. It is sponsored by

Music courtesy of The Bad Slugs.

In addition to being on YouTube and Libsyn, the Valley Indy’s Navel Gazing” podcast is available on:


Google Play

Sound Cloud

Pandora (find the app in your app store)

Click here for previous episodes.

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