Valley Indy Radio: Should The Seymour Train Station Be Moved?

SEYMOUR — Naugatuck Valley leaders are expected to show up in large numbers at a press conference at 10 a.m. in Hartford Monday to advocate for more improvements to the area’s Waterbury branch train line. A public hearing on a bi-partisan Valley bill aimed at the same goal is scheduled for 11 a.m. in front of the state legislature’s transportation committee.

Seymour First Selectman Kurt Miller is one of the many elected officials scheduled to be there. On Friday, Miller sat down for a Navel Gazing’ podcast interview with The Valley Indy in his office to talk about transportation.

Regarding transportation, Seymour has been talking to the state to gauge whether officials would back an idea to move the town’s train station to undeveloped land behind Stop & Shop off Franklin Street. The land is privately owned, but a local developer hopes to partner with a state for a true transportation oriented development” there, Miller said. Note: as stated on the record during the interview and in the preceding sentence, the bill under consideration in Hartford is NOT to move the train station.

Miller also talks about how a move to build mountain bike trails on the Oxford border is dead (for now), and a special guest caller makes a surprise appearance to promote KONGFRONTATIONS, an upcoming monster movie double feature at The Strand Theater in Seymour.

If all that’s not enough for you, Miller also chats about a recent meeting Seymour officials had with a bond ratings agency.

There’s a show rundown after the image:

24 seconds in: This podcast is sponsored by!

4 mins, 32 seconds in: What’s up with sanitation service in Seymour? 

7 minutes: Miller talks about Seymour’s debt ratio and bond rating.

9 minutes, 10 seconds: MYSTERY SPECIAL GUEST calls in to promote KONGFRONTATIONS at The Strand.

19 mins, 35 seconds: Miller brings the public up to date on the recently formed community center building committee.

23 mins, 48 seconds: Mountain bike trails ain’t happening.

27 minutes, 31 seconds: Miller talks about being in Hartford to talk to Gov. Lamont’s staff and others about a potential transit oriented development (a mix of retail and residential) behind Stop & Shop.

35 mins: Miller talks Waterbury line.

Navel Gazing: The Valley Indy Podcast” is a weekly talk show on this website. It is sponsored by

Music courtesy of The Bad Slugs.

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