Valley Nonprofit Council Presents Community Service Awards

The Valley Council for Health and Human Services honored several community service providers for their positive impact on the Valley community at its Annual Meeting and Awards Presentation. 

The event, which was sponsored by the Valley Community Foundation, was held on December 4, 2012 at Grassy Hill Lodge in Derby.

Pamela Mautte, chair of the Valley Council and Director of the Greater Valley Substance Abuse Action Council at BHCare, presented awards to three individuals and an agency. 

The Lewis Savitsky Staff Excellence Award, named in honor of a long-time Valley United Way employee and community leader, recognizes outstanding achievement among nonprofit employees. 

The 2012 recipient is Rita R. Fazzino, housing code officer and registered sanitarian at the Naugatuck Valley Health District. 

As Mautte recounted in her introduction, Rita is exactly the kind of person the Savitsky Award is designed for — someone who goes above and beyond the call of duty to make a difference in the daily lives of Valley citizens.” 

The Agency/Program of the Year Award recognizes a nonprofit agency or program that has made a lasting contribution to the health and well-being of Lower Naugatuck Valley residents. 

This year’s award was presented to the Derby Bureau of Youth Services for its significant impact on young people over the few years since its inception. 

Mautte highlighted the efforts of the Derby Youth Services Bureau, led by its Director John Saccu, to create a regional Juvenile Review Board and many other positive youth development programs. 

The Richard O. Belden Community Service Award, named in honor of late State representative Richard O. Belden, is given to an individual or group whose efforts have made a significant contribution to improving the quality of life of Valley residents. 

The Council presented the 2012 Belden award to the Naomi Wallace, who is also the recipient of a 2011 Gold Seal Award from the Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce. 

In addition to her recent work as Director of Children’s Programs at Tinney Community Center in Ansonia, Wallace has served numerous segments of the Valley community through her work with many nonprofit agencies and community groups.

Finally, Mautte presented a Chairperson’s Award to outgoing Council Vice-Chair, John McGann, in appreciation for his service to the Council and his significant contributions to the Valley community. 

As Mautte stated, For over two decades, John has worked with great dedication to improve the mental health and well-being of Valley residents in his role as a clinician and then, until recently, as Clinical Director at Catholic Charities’ Ansonia office.”

She closed the meeting by thanking the honorees and all members of the Council’s partnership network of health and human service agencies for their hard work and dedication to improving quality of life in the Valley.

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