2012 kicks off with a bang as the new weekly, community access TV show “Looking Up: A View From The Valley” premieres on Wednesday, January 11th, at 7:30 PM on Comcast’s Channel 10.
Developed and hosted by 16-year Valley resident and volunteer Marc Weissman, this unique half hour will provide viewers with a positive, apolitical and non-profit look at issues that affect the lower Naugatuck Valley.
The mission is to convey Valley enthusiasm while simultaneously educate, inform and entertain the public of ongoing efforts in Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Derby, Naugatuck, Oxford, Seymour and Shelton.
Topics will include culture, history, education, libraries, senior centers, scouting, parks, recreation, tourism, and volunteer opportunities, among others.
In addition to airing on Channel 10, clips will also be accessible 24/7 via Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, local news websites, MySpace, a dedicated website (www.lookingupvalley.com), a blog (lookingupvalley.blogspot.com) as well as on access channels outside the Valley.
“I’ve spent most of my adult life in this vibrant part of Connecticut, and there is no question that collectively, the people of the Valley are THE most passionate, appreciative and family-oriented group of individuals I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing,” Weissman said.
The show will initially use an on-location talk format, but it will eventually morph to combine news and local event coverage as well.
“To be honest, I’m learning so much more about the people and organizations here than I anticipated, and the same will definitely hold true for viewers of all ages, experiences, socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds,” Weissman promised. “So many of them are dedicated and/or life-long Valleyites for a reason. The goal is bring out those reasons and the best in them.”
Initial episodes capture an engaging roundtable among three key officials: Derby Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Stephen Tracy, St. Mary’s/St. Michael’s Elementary School Principal Linda Coppola and Derby Public Library Director Cathy Williams.
All three do tireless work within their respective domains, but to hear them be so optimistic about the future of our children’s education, the use of technology, career opportunities and how these can all best be synergized is a must see.
Other episodes will feature representatives who share a common role such as a panel of the towns’ Cultural Commission Chairs, Weissman a former one in Derby. A concerted effort will also be made towards youth-oriented topics, a demographic currently atypical for local access programming.
The show’s premise was conceived by Weissman after he completed public access training at Comcast’s studios up on Great Hill Road in Seymour.
“I used to videotape Derby Board of Aldermen meetings back in the 90’s for local access, but that simply involved filming with my own equipment. Since then, I’ve wanted to take it to the next level and learn the entire production process.”
He pointed out that Melissa Leonard, Comcast’s Public Access Coordinator in Seymour, “does a fabulous job training and assisting anyone in the Valley who is interested in producing their own show. The equipment is very high-tech and state-of-the-art, and Melissa provides excellent feedback and input.”
Meanwhile, if you or someone you know is interested in volunteering and/or appearing on the show, please feel free to contact the show at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).