Valley United Way is accepting nominations for the Charles H. Flynn Humanitarian Award.
The award, which is the Valley’s oldest and most prestigious award for community service, has been presented annually since 1971 when Alice Russ Cochran of Shelton was named the first winner. The 2012 winner was David M. Grant of Shelton.
The award is restricted to living persons whose service has been to the entire Valley community. Their service must not be limited to just one town or one organization.
The award is named for the late Mr. Flynn, who was, at the time of his death, editor of The Evening Sentinel and had been one of the founders of the Valley United Fund. He had been president of the Ansonia Community Chest. In 1968, he led that organization into a merger with the Derby-Shelton Community Chest and the Seymour United Fund which resulted in the formation of what is now known as the Valley United Way.
A native of Derby, he was an Ansonia resident most of his life and a long time Sentinel employee. He had an abiding interest in the Valley community and served it in myriad ways. At the time of his death he was first vice-president of the Valley United Fund; president of Catholic Family Services; president of the Ansonia Board of Assessors; director of the Ansonia Public Library and director of the Lower Naugatuck Valley Chapter, American Red Cross.
Following his death in 1969, this award was established because of his life long dedicated service to the entire Valley.
Anyone wishing to nominate someone for the Flynn award may do so by submitting a written resume of that person to the Valley United Way, 54 Grove Street, Shelton or by filling out and submitting an electronic nomination form that can be found on United Way’s website.
The award will be presented at United Way’s annual dinner meeting in April.