A fatherhood initiative and a “Play and Learn Fair” are two of 11 programs that will get support from Valley United Way’s “special needs grants” this year.
The Valley United Way Board of Directors recently announced about $21,000 in grants for area non-profit agencies. Click here for the announcement.
Special Needs grants are made on an annual basis for new programs or special needs not covered through an agency’s annual budget, according to the announcement.
The programs this year include range from health and safety programs for children to programs to safely collect outdated and unused drug prescriptions.
This year’s recipients and their program are:
Ansonia Community Action: Before and After School Program, $1,500
Birmingham Group/Umbrella: “CHERISH,” $1,000
Birmingham Group/Umbrella: VSAAC’s Educational Speaker Presentation, $1,000
Birmingham Group/Umbrella: VSAAC’s Medication Disposal Box Project – Take Back, $600
Boys & Girls Club: Digital Arts, $2,773
Discovery – Early Childhood: Valley Early Childhood Task Force Play and Learn Fair, $3,070.29
Julia Day Nursery: Kindergarten Readiness through Center-based Learning Equipment & Materials, $1,500
Parent Child Resource Center: Positive Parenting Program, $4,704
TEAM, Inc: TEAM Early Education – Good Guys / Fatherhood Initiative, $2,800
The Salvation Army: Back-To-School Supplies Distribution and Fun Fest, $260.66
Valley Parish Nurse Program: Special Needs Grant, 1,719.03
Click here for more information about one of the special needs grants awarded in 2011.