Valley YMCA Director Leaves After 30 Years

After 30 years at the Ansonia YMCA, and 15 as its executive director, Suzanne Reilly left the YMCA this month. 

Reilly was terminated from the post on Sept. 7, she said. 

David Stevenson, the CEO for the Central Connecticut Coast YMCA — which oversees Ys in Ansonia and several other Connecticut towns — wouldn’t comment specifically on the termination. 

But he said the Board of Directors is looking to hire a new executive director for Ansonia. 

Stevenson said the regional YMCA board is also completing a review of programs and services at all its YMCA branches in the region. 

After the next few months, we’re going to have a program and a plan that’s very meaningful to each of the communities we serve,” Stevenson said. I think it’s a healthy thing for us to do a review of all the programs and services.”

The Valley YMCAs programs include a residential program, where people can live in dormitory-like housing while they try to get on their feet, child care, swimming, fitness and family programs. Residential programs within YMCA buildings are becoming more rare, Reilly said. 

When asked if the review would impact the local YMCA housing program, or the pre-school run by the YMCA in Ansonia, Stevenson said it wasn’t clear, but stressed that both are important programs for the YMCA.

He said the regional YMCA board is a leader in supportive affordable housing.”

One of our goals is to work with agencies to end homelessness,” Stevenson said. 


PHOTO: Jodie MozdzerReilly declined to elaborate on details of the termination, except to say that she disagreed with what Stevenson said.

I don’t believe he told me his real reasons,” Reilly said. 

I know that I was dedicated to the work of the YMCA and the mission, and the community that we serve,” Reilly said.

Reilly said she was happy to have had the chance to work with community leaders, staff and members of the YMCA for the past 30 years. She’s looking for other opportunities to serve a Valley organization. 

During her time at the YMCA, Reilly said she worked with the Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley to help start a childcare center at the Joel E. Smilow Clubhouse on Howard Avenue. 

The childcare center serves about 45 children — more than double the number that were served at the pre-school when it was housed at the YMCA building. 

She said she had also received grant money for programs at the YMCA, including a recent $20,000 grant to help upgrade some furniture and appliances for the housing units in the building. 


Many people have reached out to me and told me that they were shocked and devastated,” Reilly said. 

Reilly was respected among Valley non-profit groups, which often work with the YMCA to provide services to the community. 

PHOTO: Jodie MozdzerShe’s a really good person,” said Jack Walsh, the president of the Valley United Way, which gives a lot of funding to the YMCA. She really cares about the community. She really cared about the Y. It’s sad to see her go.”

Richard Knoll, the president of TEAM Inc. community action agency, echoed some of Walsh’s comments.

She’s been a great collaborative worker,” Knoll said. The Y has done some good things under her leadership.”

Next Steps

Stevenson said it’s not clear when the YMCA will hire a replacement for Reilly. 

We will be recruiting a new executive director for the Valley YMCA working with the board of managers at the Y. It will take some time to move ahead,” he said. We’ve been very deliberate about this process.”

While the board looks for another director, Charlie Clifford, the director at the Woodruff Family YMCA in Milford, will be overseeing operations in Ansonia as well, Stevenson said. 

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