A vehicle crashed into a building on Main Street in Ansonia early Saturday morning.
The crash was reported at 12:22 a.m. The driver was taken to the hospital, but there was no word on the nature of the person’s injuries.
The crash took out the front wall of the Jackson-Hewitt tax office at 287 Main St. It also damaged the connecting wall to the China Garden restaurant next door.
It was unclear Saturday morning what caused the person to crash into the building.
Maureen Monaco owns the building. She said she heard the driver may have fallen asleep at the wheel, but was not certain of that.
She learned about the damage at about 2:30 a.m. Saturday.
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“The police called the owner of Jackson Hewitt and then she called me,” Monaco said.
Monaco was on the sidewalk in front of the building Saturday morning juggling cell phone calls with her insurance company. She was also trying to contact the city’s building inspector.
“The Chinese restaurant is going to be hit the hardest because they’re usually open on Saturdays,” she said.
She wanted people to know that Chez Lollipop, a few doors down at 293 Main St., was still scheduled to open Saturday.
The other business on either side of the crash scene include the Valley Social Club and accountants Greenfield and Fox.
Precisely 10 minutes after the vehicle hit the building, Ansonia emergency crews responded to a report of a pick-up truck crashing into a telephone pole on Beaver Street.
There was no driver in the pick-up truck, according to radio transmissions from the scene.