Veterans Day Observations In The Lower Valley

FILE PHOTOVeterans’ Day is Tuesday, Nov. 11.

Here is a list of events you can attend to honor veterans.


The City of Ansonia will be holding mark Veterans Day in Veterans Park, next to City Hall on Main Street, with a ceremony beginning at 11 a.m. organized by the American Legion’s Gordon-Visselli Post 50, based in Ansonia.

The ceremony will include the laying of a wreath at a memorial in the park, as well as remarks form Lt. Col. Phil Tripp, the president of the city’s Board of Aldermen and a veteran of more than three decades in the Army reserve.

Students from Ansonia schools will also read essays celebrating veterans’ service. The ceremony will conclude with the playing of Taps” and the firing of a salute.


There will be an observation of Veterans’ Day on Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014 starting at 10:30 a.m. on the Derby Green.

This will be hosted by the John H. Collins American Legion Post 24 of Derby. 

The guest speaker will be Derby Mayor Anita Dugatto.

Refreshments will be served after the ceremony at the Veterans Memorial, corner of Seymour Avenue and Atwater Avenue, Derby.

All veterans and the public are invited and encouraged to attend.


Oxford American Legion Post 174 will host its annual Veterans Service at 11 a.m. on Nov. 11.

There will be a ceremony and flag raising. Afterward, there will be a luncheon at the post. Veterans from the V.A. in West Hartford will be in attendance.

The post is at 43 Oxford Road in Oxford. The phone number is 203 – 888-2988.


American Legion Veterans Day Events

American Legion Emil Senger Post 10 will be post the colors outside Seymour Middle School at 8 a.m. Nov. 11 in front of students and faculty.

A choir will sing the National Anthem and a student body leader will direct the entire school to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

At 9:30 a.m. Post 10 will conduct services on the Bank Street bridge by casting a wreath honoring all our Navy veterans lost at sea.

At 11 A.M. Post 10 will commence services (11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month )
celebrating Veterans Day at French Memorial Park, 74 Spruce St.
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Seymour VFW Event

Veterans’ Candlelight Vigil
7 p.m.
Broad Street Park


Sutter-Terlizzi American Legion Post 16 will conduct Veterans Day services at the Veterans’ Memorial at the River Walk and at Post 16 on Tuesday, Nov. 11 starting at 10:30 a.m.

The unit will then proceed to Post 16 for 11:30 services and luncheon at Post 16 at 295 Bridgeport Ave. in Shelton.

After the luncheon, members of Post 16 will visit Shelton Intermediate School.

Veterans Day, the annual time for remembering the end of World War I, and the brave Americans who served in the war to end all wars,” also draws from the news headlines of the day.

What we now call Veterans Day’ began as Armistice Day.’ It is historically significant that this day continue to be observed on the month, day and hour that the guns fell silent in World War I 11 a.m., Nov. 11, 1918.


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