Vets Need Support, Derby VFW Commander Reminds Residents

About 100 veterans and their families came to the Derby Green Monday to mark Veterans Day.

They were reminded of the strong ties the U.S. has to the Philippines, a close ally for decades, and how Americans will step up to help the Southeast Asian country which was devastated Friday by a one of the strongest typhoons in the history of the planet.

Americans and the U.S. military will help, because that’s what we do, said Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10585 Raymond Gagne.

Gagne also reminded those in attendance that Veterans Day is an active observance in the U.S. Many veterans are in desperate need of help, Gagne said, pointing out that more veterans are being lost to suicide than are dying in active duty combat.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs on Friday issued new information on the shockingly high suicide rate, saying that veterans are killing themselves at a rate of every 22 minutes.

That has to stop, Gagne said.

He encouraged friends, families and neighbors of veterans to keep and eye on them and watch out for them, just like they did while serving in the military.

If you see a veteran who is showing signs of unhappiness or depression, encourage him to seek help immediately through the VA system,” Gagne said.

If a veteran is having trouble receiving the benefits he or she is entitled to, Gagne said the American Legion can help navigate the confusing bureaucracy.

It’s up to us to make sure that every veteran is made to feel that his or her service to this country is appreciated by their fellow Americans,” Gagne said. There are many tangible ways to acknowledge their sacrifice, but the easiest way is to simply say thank you for what you have done for our country.”

Here are some video highlights from the ceremony:

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