SHELTON — Click play to watch and listen to an interview with Richard Knoll (on video) and Robert Margolies (by phone), the co-chairs of The Valley Refugee Resettlement Project.
The project’s goal is to help a refugee family find a home in the lower Naugatuck Valley.
The local resettlement project originated from the Huntington Congregational Church United Church of Christ in Shelton. The Valley Refugee Resettlement Project is teaming and getting guidance from Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Service (IRIS), a New Haven nonprofit organization that has been navigating the complicated rules to help refugees settle in the U.S. since 1982.
Helping a person or persons settle in the U.S. is a complicated process and The Valley Refugee Resettlement Project is looking for volunteers and donations.
Click here for more information about the project.
‘Navel Gazing: The Valley Indy Podcast’ is a local news talk show that won first place for audio storytelling in the 2021 CT Society of Professional Journalists Excellence in Journalism Contest.