TEAM Inc., is seeking volunteers to assist low-income families and individuals in filing their taxes and claiming refunds owed to them, such as federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) that can boost their yearly income by up to 30 percent.
The VITA program is held at the VITA Clinic located at TEAM, Inc. 30, Elizabeth Street, Derby, additional sites are also available for volunteering.
The need for volunteer assistance runs from mid January to April 14, 2014.
TEAM will be hosting an informational session for Volunteers on November 4, 2014, at 6pm, 30 Elizabeth Street, Derby.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) offers free preparation of federal and state income tax returns to low-income individuals and families.
No experience is required. Volunteers will receive 16 – 20 hours of training on income tax preparation by a skilled IRS instructor and receive certification.
Training will take place at TEAM, Inc., 30 Elizabeth Street, Derby in early December in the evening.
Past VITA volunteers are welcome and must attend training.
To become a VITA volunteer or for more information about the program, please call (203) 736‑5420 ext. 234. Or email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).