The following information was posted on Derby Mayor Richard Dziekan’s Facebook page.
Please join me for an important volunteer opportunity later this month:
Beginning Wednesday May 22, 2019, veterans and non-veterans will honor fallen veterans in Derby cemeteries by placing flags on their graves for Memorial Day. We will meet at Oak Cliff Cemetery on Hawthorne Avenue at approximately 9:00 a.m.
When complete, we will proceed to the St. Peter and St. Paul Ukrainian Greek Cemetery on Chatfield Street, St. Michael’s Cemetery on Silver Hill Road and finally Mt. St. Peter Cemetery on New Haven Avenue, RT 34. Hopefully, we can complete our task on Wednesday. If not, we can continue on Thursday/Friday if necessary.
For those who may have not done this before, a veteran will be identified by a military footstone or inscription on their headstone. At Oak Cliff Cemetery, there is an additional identifier; a piece of white pvc pipe has been placed at veterans footstone/headstone. We have been reminded to place the flag at the veterans headstone. If there is no headstone and only a military footstone, then the flag should be placed at the veterans footstone.
Each year we are all getting a little older and some of the ‘regulars’ may not be able to help. If you know anyone that may want to volunteer some of their time, please let them know the schedule.
If there are any questions, please call, Paul Varsanik, 203 – 735-7288.