Winners The Winners After Ansonia Recount

Photo by Eugene Driscoll

A scene from Monday’s recount.

ANSONIA — The winners of the Third Ward Aldermen race on Election Day remained the winners after three recounts, the last of which ended Tuesday evening.

The final tally in the race, according to Ansonia Republican Registrar David Papcin (winners in bold):

Democrat Leslie Navarrete: 266 votes

Democrat Joseph Jeanette Jr.: 277

Republican Joseph Cassetti: 273

Republican Domenico Filippone: 270

The tally means the Republican majority on the Board of Aldermen is now 10 – 4 over Democrats. It had been 13 – 1 heading into Election Day.

The recount was held over two evenings this week — Monday and Tuesday. Click here for Monday’s story.

Jeanette previously served as an Aldermen. Cassetti, brother of Mayor David Cassetti, was an incumbent, as was Domenico Fillippone.

Navarrete was a newcomer to running for local office. At the recount Monday, leaders from both political parties commented on how hard Navarrete worked on the local campaign trail.

Thank to the Voter Registrar Department for their hard work and diligence throughout the recount process,” she wrote on her campaign’s Facebook page. I do not feel defeated or that I lost. It speaks volumes when you look at how close this election was and that this was my first time ever running for a political office. I won the hearts of our voters that came out to vote for Joe Jeannette and me.”

The recount had been automatically triggered by state law because the results were close.

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