The Shelton Board of Aldermen Street Committee has proposed changes to the city’s winter parking ordinance that would double the fees for parking violations during a snow storm.
A public hearing was scheduled for tonight (7 p.m. on Nov. 29), so the Board of Aldermen can discuss it at the next meeting in December.
If it is approved, residents who violate parking rules during a snow storm would face a $50 fine — an increase from the previous $25 fine.
The proposal keeps most of the wording from the existing winter parking rules in tact, and also adds wording to require residents with access to a driveway to park in that driveway during snow emergencies.
“We’re trying to make this easier so we can get the plowing done,” said Eric McPherson, a member of the street committee that proposed the changes. “We’ve seen cars that were completely covered over (with snow). On the corner of Kneen and Howe, a car parked got covered with snow, and blocked the line of sight.”
McPherson said the parking regulations hadn’t been updated in more than 20 years, so the street committee decided to update wording and the fees.
The parking rules — as they exist now and in the proposed ordinance — require residents to park on the odd-numbered side of their street on odd-numbered days, and the even-numbered side of the street on even-numbered days. The rules are in effect from 12 a.m. to 6 a.m.
So if it is snowing at 12 a.m. on Dec. 10, residents should park on the even-numbered side of the street.
The city can have any cars towed that violate the regulation. The fees for storing the towed cars also increase in the proposal .