Winter Storm Alert From Derby City Government

The following information was sent by Derby City Hall.

UPDATE: Derby City Hall and Derby Public Library will be closed Thursday, according to city government.

*Winter Storm Alert

Please be advised that the City of Derby’s winter parking ban is in effect. For the month of December, residents are permitted to park on the even numbered side of the street. With the pending snowstorm, we are discouraging all on-street parking to allow Public Works to thoroughly clear the streets. 

The Municipal Parking Garage located on Thompson Place will be open at no charge to all residents for the duration of the storm.

Trash and Recycling Pickup will be delayed by one day. Thursday pickup will be done on Friday 12/18 and Friday pickup will be done on Saturday 12/19.

City Hall and the Derby Public Library will follow the lead of the State of CT and Governor Lamont as it relates to closing. The Derby Senior Center remains closed to the public.

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