A winter storm dumped about 10 inches on the lower Naugatuck Valley (depending on who you talked to) Thursday, but it was nothing compared to the blizzard that beat us senseless a year ago this week.
The timelapse video you see was posted by a Valley Indy Facebook reader named Dave Peck.
It’s Hull Street in Ansonia, as seen from 1 a.m. until 6 p.m. Thursday. It is very cool, so watch it immediately!
Meanwhile, this box below contains info from a wide variety of people and institutions in the Valley and slightly beyond. Use it as a storm resource. Story continues below the box.
Tweets from https://twitter.com/ValleyIndy/winter-storm-resourcesThe lower Valley survived the storm relatively unscathed, at least as of 8:45 p.m. Thursday. Click here for a thread on Facebook about how long it took people to dig out.
The National Weather Service Thursday night was calling for another 3 to 5 inches of snow by Friday morning, which is annoying.
In downtown Shelton main roads were passable as city plows tried to keep up with the heavy snowfall throughout the day, though crews were catching up by late afternoon.
A dozen firefighters were at Shelton’s Echo Hose Hook & Ladder volunteer fire company on Coram Avenue about 1 p.m., testing equipment, snowblowing, chaining fire trucks, and being in a general state of awareness.
Members reported in shifts to be at the firehouse for the duration of the storm.
“The whole city’s pretty much staffed the same,” Echo Hose firefighter Randy Jennings said.
With people for the most part wisely staying off the roads, fortunately there hadn’t been many calls, he said, beyond “a few ditched cars here and there.”
Those that did venture out often got stuck, such as on Derby’s David Humphreys Road and Route 67 in downtown Seymour.
About 3:15 p.m. firefighters were called to a smoke investigation related to a furnace malfunction inside a Florence Drive house but the problem was under control in about 10 minutes, emergency radio dispatches indicated.
About 4 p.m. state police called firefighters to a rollover in the median of Route 8 north between exits 11 and 12. The driver was able to get out of the vehicle within a few minutes of firefighters arriving, according to radio dispatches.