ANSONIA — A woman injured after being hit by a car that veered onto a North Main Street sidewalk is asking a court to compel the police department to release any video and photographs connected to the incident.
The victim is trying to determine whether the vehicle that hit her was being chased by police at the time of the crash, which could open the City of Ansonia to an additional lawsuit, according to a court filing.
Deborah Cox, of New Haven, was standing on a sidewalk outside a convenience store on July 16, 2021 at about 2 p.m. when a car traveling at a high rate of speed jumped the curb and hit her. Cox sustained serious injuries and wracked up large medical bills, according to a court filing authored by her lawyer, Andrew Buchetto, of Milford.
In late April, Ansonia police announced the arrest of Roland Collier, 49, of Ansonia, in connection to the incident. Police said Collier was driving the Audi that hit Cox.
Collier has six charges pending in connection to the incident. One of the charges is engaging police in pursuit. However, Ansonia police specifically said they did not give chase after attempting to pull Collier over for a motor vehicle violation — that he simply took off at a high rate of speed.
In September, the victim’s lawyer submitted a Freedom of Information request seeking access to photographs, reports and video footage related to the incident.
However, the city refused to release the information, according to Buchetto’s court filing, so Buchetto is asking the court to intervene.
​“The information is necessary to investigate and determine whether the Ansonia Police Department was actively pursuing the high-speed vehicle which veered off the road and struck the plaintiff (Cox),” Buchetto wrote.
Ansonia’s Corporation Counsel John Marini in an email to the Valley Independent Sentinel confirmed that the city had in fact denied Buchetto’s request.
​“The body cam footage has not been released due to it containing footage of medical treatment and juveniles,” Marini said. ​“The City does not feel comfortable disclosing without a court order.”
A remote hearing on the case is scheduled for May 31.