Work Starts On Oxford Animal Shelter

First Selectman George R. Temple announced Thursday that work has begun on the new animal shelter.

“I’m happy as the first selectman and animal lover that this project has begun. It’s been more than 20 years since it was first proposed. I’m delighted and want to thank my fellow selectmen for their support, especially Jeff Haney for volunteering to work on this project at no cost to the town,’’ said Temple, who helped to break ground with the help of his dog, Paco. 

“This kind of volunteerism is what makes Oxford great,’’ he added.

Haney and the Animal Shelter Committee has worked hard the last year in planning for the new shelter and has kept costs down by doing the work himself and by bringing in other volunteers to help. 

The project is expected to cost $90,000, but has been offset by $40,000 in fundraising. 

“I’m proud to be involved in the building of the animal shelter. The volunteers from the Animal Shelter Committee’s family and friends are a dedicated group who never gave up hope that it would be built,’’ said Haney. ​“Our administrative no-nonsense approach to building projects in the town of Oxford has made this possible,’’ he added. 

Haney said the project is expected to be finished in about six months.

Sandy Merry, the town’s animal control officer said the new shelter will add bathrooms, a laundry areas and place for storage. She said there will be an area to bath the animals and a room for them to show the dogs to potential adopted owners. 

“I could not be happier that this project has started and look forward to the day when it is completed,’’ said Merry.

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