Working Families Endorse Kara Rochelle For State Rep

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Kara Rochelle.

Kara Rochelle, the Democratic candidate for state Representative for the 104th Assembly District (Ansonia and Derby), received the endorsement of Connecticut’s Working Families Party.

Rochelle will appear on both the Democrat and Working Families Party ballot lines in the November election. 

According to the party’s website, the Connecticut Working Families is an independent political organization that stands up for hard working families across Connecticut — not Wall Street banks, lobbyists, and CEOs.”

It is a particular honor to have the Working Families Party recognize my dedication to the well-being of my neighbors in the 104th. The Working Families Party is independent of the Democrat and Republican party, choosing to focus on policies that help hardworking families to achieve a more stable life through fair taxation, decent living wages, and work policies that are pro-family,” Rochelle said in a prepared statement. 

Election Day is Nov. 6.

Rochelle is running for the seat currently held by Rep. Linda Gentile, D‑Ansonia, who opted not to seek re-election.

The Republicans are running Joseph Jaumann, a member of the Ansonia Board of Aldermen.

Click here for a Valley Indy interview with Rochelle.

Click here for a Valley Indy interview with Jaumann.

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