Yes, The Derby-Shelton Memorial Day Parade Is Happening This Year, Plus Info On Seymour & Ansonia

DERBY-SHELTON — Two things.

1. The Derby-Shelton Memorial Day Parade is happening this year. See all the details below.

2. The annual reading of the names of deceased veterans is happening — but it will be closed to the public. See the details below.

The annual memorial service, during which the names of deceased veterans are read, has been scheduled for 3 p.m. May 30.

The event (by that I mean the service, not the parade) is closed to the public this year. Instead, a recording of the ceremony will be posted on the parade committee’s website

The Derby-Shelton Memorial Day Parade will step off the next day, Monday, May 31 at 9 a.m., beginning at Howe and Wharf streets in Shelton and ending at Cottage and Elizabeth streets in Derby. Click here for a previous story on this year’s parade.

The parade was cancelled last year due to the pandemic.

The Seymour Memorial Day Parade is scheduled for May 30. Click here for info.

The Ansonia Memorial Day Parade is not happening this year because of difficulties scheduling the marchers. However, deceased military members will be honored during a flag walk’ organized by the American Legion. Click here for details.

2021 Derby-Shelton Parade Info by The Valley Indy on Scribd

2021 Derby-Shelton Memorial Day Parade Line-Up by The Valley Indy on Scribd

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