Mayor’s Pick For Board Of Aldermen Faces Drug Charges

An Ansonia resident Mayor David Cassetti wanted appointed to the Board of Aldermen was arrested Sunday on drug possession charges, police said.

Police said Edward Bostic, 55, was stopped on North Main Street about 9:30 p.m. Sunday because his headlights were off.

Officers found about 3.3 grams of cocaine in his car, according to a prepared statement from Lt. Andrew Cota.

Sheila O’Malley, the city’s economic development director, said in an email prior to the police department’s announcement that Cassetti is withdrawing Ed Bostic’s name from nomination to the Board of Aldermen immediately due to a recent arrest.”

We did a thorough background search before entering his name and there was no criminal record at the time we nominated him,” O’Malley said.

Bostic faces charges of sale of narcotics, sale of narcotics within 1,500 feet of a school, possession of narcotics, possession of narcotics within 1,500 feet of a school, and failure to have headlights illuminated.

He posted a $2,500 bond and is scheduled to appear at Superior Court in Derby Aug. 8, Cota said.

The Valley Indy left a message Monday at PM Lounge, the Main Street club Bostic owns.

Cassetti announced last month he wanted Bostic to be appointed to the Board of Aldermen to fill a vacancy.

There are currently two vacancies on the board.

Cassetti said he was utterly shocked” to learn of Bostic’s arrest.

I came in this morning and I got the news from police,” the mayor said. I called Mr. Bostic and told him I was going to withdraw his name.”

He said he will put forward another name for nomination to the board.

Other than Bostic, the only other Fourth Ward resident whose name has been discussed publicly for the position is Keith Maynard, who once had a spot on the board but resigned after a 2009 domestic violence arrest.

Maynard ultimately pleaded guilty in the case and was sentenced to nearly three years behind bars.

Cassetti said he will submit a new name for the Fourth Ward due to Maynard’s past conviction, and the fact that he had served as an Alderman already.

He’s already served on the Board of Aldermen,” Cassetti said of Maynard. I’m looking for someone, a fresh start, someone new.”

I’m in the process now of looking at the Fourth Ward people,” the mayor said. I’ll probably be putting a name up soon.”

The Valley Indy asked the mayor whether Bostic’s arrest shows a lack of judgement on his part. Cassetti had wanted Bostic appointed to the board last month.

I am utterly shocked by it,” Cassetti said. When I heard the news I said That’s it, I won’t stand for it and I don’t think the residents would stand for it either.’”

The mayor said he hopes Bostic can bounce back from the arrest.

It was unfortunate,” Cassetti said. I wish him well.”

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