One of the cards in this year's HIM campaign.
The free cards are part of Griffin Hospital’s Health Initiative for Men (HiM), a community-wide preventive healthcare effort.
Last year, the HiM gave Valley students 20,000 inserts for their Father’s Day cards.
This year, two separate cards were produced – one designed for grammar school students to give to their dads and another for middle and high school students.
The cards include an encouraging message for fathers to get a check-up and include health screening guidelines for men.
They were produced thanks to the support of Frank Michaud, partner with Michaud and Accavallo, CPAs, LLC in Ansonia, and his wife, Judy, who established a special “Health Initiative for Men Fund” at the Valley Community Foundation (VCF).
The Michauds also personally delivered the cards to area schools. As an additional “gift” to dads, the card recipients can register to win a free iPad on the HiM website at, which also serves as a repository for men’s health information.
Griffin Hospital launched the HiM as a response to health data that indicate that men in the Valley have significantly higher rates of mortality than men in Connecticut on average for both prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.
The overall goal of the program is to get men to see their primary care physicians for regular health exams, where discussions about recommended health screenings can take place and men can learn how to take control of their health.