Cassetti Announces New Economic Development Director

Ansonia Mayor David Cassetti released a statement Tuesday (March 11) saying Sheila O’Malley, the city’s grant writer, will now also serve as its director of economic development.

The move comes a week after Cassetti put Peter Kelly, the economic development director hired by his predecessor, on paid leave for unspecified reasons.

The statement issued by Cassetti’s office Tuesday does not mention Kelly, at all.

But John Marini, the city’s corporation counsel, said he had informed Kelly’s lawyer Tuesday morning that the city was firing him.

Peter Kelly is no longer an employee of the city of Ansonia,” Marini said. He was dismissed under the contract for failure to perform the essential duties of his job.”

Asked specifically how Kelly didn’t do his job, Marini declined further comment.

I’m not really going to speak to the specifics, although Mr. Kelly is well-informed of what they are,” Marini said.

The Valley Indy sent a Freedom of Information request to City Hall Tuesday asking for Kelly’s personnel file.

Though the mayor’s statement does not mention Kelly, or why he was fired, it does mention — repeatedly — the importance of an aggressive” approach to economic development.

Sources have told the Valley Indy the mayor wanted Kelly to be more aggressive in trying to attract businesses.

My message is clear: Ansonia is Open for Business,” Cassetti said in the statement. To achieve lower taxes Ansonia needs to become much more aggressive trying to lure business to our city.”

Reached by phone Tuesday, Kelly declined to comment.

My attorney’s advised me not to say anything to anyone,” he said.

The Valley Indy left a message for Kelly’s lawyer, Jack Androski, Tuesday afternoon.

In the statement released Tuesday, Cassetti said the departments of economic development and the city’s grants office will be combined under the restructuring.

The two departments go hand-in-hand and we believe the objectives of both departments can be most efficiently handled by one qualified individual,” Cassetti said. I am proud to announce that Sheila O’Malley will be the person to lead our new streamlined Department of Economic Development.”

O’Malley served the administration of former Derby Mayor Anthony Staffieri in much the same capacity until Staffieri was defeated for re-election by Anita Dugatto last November.

Cassetti said he’d ask the Board of Aldermen’s salary committee for a significant downward revision” in the pay for the consolidated position — to $85,000.

Currently, O’Malley makes $55,000 as grant writer, and Kelly was making $57,980 as economic development director.

Cassetti will ask the Aldermen to cut the economic development director position to $50,000 and the grants writer position to $35,000.

For the time being, O’Malley will be paid at her current salary.

Peter Kelly Contract

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