Derby Republican Ken Hughes Steps Down


Ken Hughes, a Derby Republican who was first elected in 2005, resigned from the Board of Aldermen Wednesday.

Hughes also serves on the city’s Redevelopment Agency and the Community Relations Subcommittee of the Board of Aldermen.

He was also the campaign manager for several of Derby Mayor Anthony Staffieri’s successful re-election bids.

In recent months, Hughes has been missing city meetings. It was notable only because his attendance record had been nearly perfect since taking office.

Since his election seven years ago, his plate has become increasingly full. He’s the father of a young family and, in the last year or so, landed a job in Norwalk as superintendent of parks. 

The news was first reported by Republican tax board member Judy Szewczyk on her Clearly Derby Facebook page. 

Mayor Anthony Staffieri, a father of three sons, said while he is sorry to see Hughes go — he understands that family must come first.

His two sons are getting big. Shame on you if you miss quality time with your kids. Because once they take those first steps, play soccer, play football, do all those things that kids do, it doesn’t happen again. If you miss that, it really hurts,” Staffieri said.

The two were acquaintances prior to 2005, but came together to run for office.

Staffieri said Hughes has character. 

He doesn’t play partisan politics. He was always honest,” Staffieri said.

The Republicans on the Board of Aldermen will have to hold a caucus and decide on a replacement. When that will happen wasn’t known, at least as of Nov. 21.

Alderman Ron Sill, a Democrat and the current board president, said Hughes is a respected official.

The board, and especially the city, will miss him. He is a very smart guy who always did his homework. I admire him for putting family first. I wish him the best,” Sill said.

This is the text of Hughes’ resignation letter, which, as of 11:52 a.m., had yet to be officially submitted to the Town Clerk’s Office:

It is with a heavy heart that I have to write this letter. 

Due to career commitments and family obligations, I must resign my position on the Derby Board of Aldermen. 

As most of you already know, my recent lack of meeting attendance and political involvement has put undue stress and pressure on my fellow aldermen, City staff, and elected officials. 

I have always been the type of person who needs to give 100 percent in anything I do, and with my current schedule, I am not able to fulfill the promises I made when I took my oath of office. 

Over the last 7 years, I have met some amazing people, made some lifelong friends, and was given the privileged opportunity to actually make a difference in the community which I love and have called home for the last 40 years. 

I would like to thank all the people I have met along the way who consistently put in countless hours with the common goal to make the City of Derby a better place in which to live and to raise a family. 

I also need to thank the voters who took a chance on a political newcomer in 2005, and who put their faith in me during the subsequent elections. 

Lastly, I would like to thank my family for enduring the late night meetings, community events, and the personal spotlight, not always flattering, which comes hand in hand with political office in a small town. 

Lastly, a word to all current elected officials: Derby is too small of a town to be mired in partisan politics and political gamesmanship, and I would implore all officials to find common ground in order to make the best decisions which would benefit the entire City of Derby, both for now and in the future. 

I can assure you this goodbye is only temporary, as it is unlikely I will be able to stay away from politics for too long.” 

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