Guest Column: State Senate Candidate Tony Szewczyk


Part of a state legislator’s responsibility is to ensure that the cities and towns he/she represents receive the necessary funds to bridge the gap between what the municipality can afford and what the residents need. In many cases, State funds help to defray the cost of infrastructure, education and day to day operations.

What has Senator Joe Crisco done to bridge the gap? Where are the badly needed grant funds? Where are the bond appropriations? How has his seniority given us access to increased revenues for our communities? 

Someone who has been around as long as Senator Crisco should have considerable effectiveness and should be given priority when making funding requests on behalf of his communities. After all these years, we have sat by and watched from the sidelines while other communities get their fair share of State funds. 

Senator Crisco’s inability to bring home the bacon” translates into either ineffectiveness at the Capital or indifference. In either case, haven’t you had enough?

The apathy and inactivity has resulted in lost dollars for the cities and towns Senator Crisco represents. Compare his record with some other less senior legislators and the difference is remarkable.

What does the Valley have to show for his efforts after all this time? We deserve better and we can do better. 

The writer, a Derby resident, is running to represent the 17th state Senate district.

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