Update: Veteran Building Inspector Ousted In Derby, Replacement Appointed

City officials confirmed Tuesday that David Kopjanski is no longer the Derby building inspector.

Kopjanski wasn’t re-appointed Monday, according to an e‑mail Tuesday afternoon from Sheila O’Malley.

O’Malley is Mayor Anthony Staffieri’s chief administrative officer and the city’s economic development director.

Mayor Staffieri appointed Carlo Sarmiento to replace Kopjanski Tuesday.

He is a certified building inspector with over 20 years in the building industry,” O’Malley’s e‑mail said.

Sarmiento is a Derby resident who studied construction management at Central Connecticut State University.

Staffieri sent a letter to members of the Board of Aldermen Tuesday afternoon informing them he appointed Sarmiento and that he will serve a four-year term, as outlined in state regulations.

I hope that you welcome him to our administration,” Staffieri’s letter said.

An e‑mail seeking comment was sent to Staffieri Tuesday.

The original story from Monday afternoon follows:

David Kopjanski is no longer Derby’s building inspector, four sources told the Valley Indy.

Kopjanski, a building official for 18 years and a city employee for almost 30 years, was relieved of his duties Monday morning.

Kopjanski declined to comment on what transpired Monday or whether he was still employed by the city.

Respectfully, I have no comment,” Kopjanski said.

He could be seen outside Derby City Hall at 1 p.m. Monday putting items into his pick-up truck while chatting with local contractor Frank Pepe.

Messages seeking comment were left Monday afternoon with Mayor Anthony Staffieri, Corporation Counsel Joseph Coppola and Sheila O’Malley, the mayor’s chief administrative officer and director of economic development.

An e‑mail seeking comment was sent to Derby Board of Aldermen President Barbara DeGennaro Monday evening.

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