Legends By Lantern Starts Oct. 23

One of the highlights of the Derby Historical Society Fall Programs is our trademark Legends by Lantern” Tour. 

The tour has grown increasingly popular since its inception four years ago at the Derby Greenway. Since then, the tour has moved to various other places. This year’s tour will cover both the David Humphreys House and the Elm Street Cemetery across the street in Ansonia!

Come, pick up an authentic punch tin lantern, and see the David Humphreys House as you never have before – at night! 

This year’s tour joins the Humphreys family and others living in the area in the late 1770s, for an unforgettable evening in an American Patriot’s home during the Revolution!

Then, the Tour moves outside, to the Elm Street Cemetery across the street. By the flickering candlelight from the punched tin lanterns, we will visit the final resting places of those who were actually alive in the 1700s. Will some of them arise to tell you their tales?

Join us on Friday and Saturday, October 23 and 24 (rain date October 25) and find out!

Tour times are planned for every half hour, starting at 6:30 PM and ending at 8:30 PM. Group sizes are limited, so please call 735‑1908 for advanced reservations. Cost is $10.00 per adult, $8.00 for children (8 – 16). 

Check our website at www.derbyhistorical.org for additional tour information and inclement weather updates.

We’re starting a newsletter. Click here to sign up!