Lenart Explains Decision To Close Derby Parking Garage

Note: Derby Alderman David Lenart distributed this letter to downtown businesses and residents Friday morning.

Derby Residents & Downtown Business Owners,

At the Board of Aldermen meeting on 2/27 members of the parking authority brought their concerns, and an engineer, to our meeting to discuss the disrepair of the city’s Parking Garage on Thompson Place.

During the report the engineer stated that the garage was well over its life span and in a state of serious disrepair, and that some sections of the garage should be closed.

The engineer also stated that in parts of the building the concrete was spalling” and that large chunks have been falling from the ceiling.

The Aldermen were presented with a two-foot section of concrete that had recently fallen. At this time the Aldermen voted in the interest of public safety to close the garage until a Structural Engineer could determine the stability of the structure and what sections may have to be closed.

This was not an easy decision to make. The Aldermen understand the importance the garage plays in our downtown. We ask that persons needed to park could use the municipal parking lot at the corner of Caroline St and Hallock St until the engineers have had time to complete their work.

If you have any questions, please email me at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

City of Derby
2nd Ward Aldermen
David Lenart

February 28, 2014

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