If students met or surpassed the challenge, it was agreed that Principal Terri Goldson would cut his hair into a Mohawk.
Get the scissors ready because the students surpassed their goal.
Kindergarten and grade six students collectively read over 2,000 books. All other grades passed the 500 mark and the current school total is approximately 4,700 books and counting.
“The Key is to Read” challenge began two years ago in grade six and is now in every grade.
Principal Goldson said, “Reading is such a critical skill that students must have and develop. It is used every day and in all domains of learning.”
Language Arts Coach Michele Fraher said, “The teachers are aware that reading has always been an area in need of improvement and believed that encouraging reading will only improve students’ learning outcomes.” The objective of the challenge was to garner support and collaboration with parents and the community to help encourage the students to read more.
CONTRIBUTED Sen. Crisco poses at Mead School after reading to students there.
Mayor James DellaVolpe, Police Chief Kevin Hale, Superintendent Carol Merlone, Assistant Superintendent Tony Gasper, Alderman Howard Madigosky, Representative Linda Gentile, Senator Joe Crisco, parents, mentors and other community members descended on Mead with a mission to encourage reading.
Media Clerk and librarian Louise Carey spear headed the event and said, “It was so wonderful to see the community members come in and read, the students and teachers really appreciated it – it was a success!”