Photos: Storm Damage In The Valley

Town leaders in the lower Valley said crews are out working to clear roads, but there’s no word on when electricity will be restored to the more than 20,000 homes without power.

In Shelton, the National Guard joined the effort to help the city clean up after Superstorm’ Sandy came ashore.

Valley Indy reader Jason Abrams snapped the picture above of National Crews on Walnut Tree Hill Road in Shelton Tuesday afternoon.

Our finest on Walnut Tree Hill Road in Shelton. Use caution while driving!,” Abrams wrote.

The photo gallery below is a mix of Valley Indy photos and photos submitted by the public to the Valley Indy Facebook page.

Thanks to Carmen Coscia, Jr., Chad Jansen, Antonio Mogavero and Corrie Davis for submitting photos through Facebook. Article continues below.

Shelton Fire Marshal James Tortora said the National Guard is helping United Illuminating crews clear roads so they can better assess storm damage.

If they’re there, they’re helping UI,” he said.

Shelton — like Ansonia, Derby, Oxford and Seymour — doesn’t have an estimate as to when power will be restored.

Tortora said said officials will learn more during a meeting in the city’s Emergency Operations Center at City Hall Tuesday, scheduled to start at 4 p.m.

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