The Valley Independent Sentinel is new to covering Derby.
One thing we’ve learned fast — people are not afraid to let it fly during the public comment portion of Derby government meetings.
There was some of that happening Tuesday night at a meeting of the Derby Redevelopment Agency.
Former Mayor Marc Garofalo had a lot to say about a new concept for the downtown redevelopment zone — from the Agency’s use of the phrase “master plan” right down to the types of stores being discussed as possible tenants.
Along the way, Garofalo, a Democrat, dropped some politically-tinted comments about the Republican administration.
Later in the meeting, Ken Hughes, a Republican running for re-election to the Board of Aldermen, made a comment about construction equipment showing up on Election Day only to be gone the next day.
That comment apparently touched a nerve with Garofalo, who chided Hughes, saying everyone has to work together to make Derby redevelopment a reality.
Well, Hughes then reminded Garofalo that he often takes shots from the audience, and every so often he has to take a shot back.
At that point, Anita Dugatto, an active Democrat, interrupted.
“I think Ken and Marc should shake hands,” Dugatto said.
Hughes took her up on the offer, rose up from his chair, walked to the back of the room and extended his hand to Garofalo, who accepted.
“Everybody loves everybody,” Dugatto said.
“Can we have order in this meeting?” asked an exasperated Joseph Bomba, chairman of the city’s Redevelopment Agency.