New Technology, Especially the iPad, Changing Seymour Classes

PHOTO: Jodie MozdzerSeymour students are using iPads and other digital tools in classes ranging from elementary math to high school art. 

Two Seymour teachers showed the Board of Education Monday a variety of ways teachers and students are using technology in the classroom. 

Allison Sheridan, a second grade teacher, demonstrated how her students are using iPads to learn reading, math and spelling skills. 

Her classroom at LoPresti School has 23 iPads for the students to use throughout the day. 

Sage Wotton, an 8‑year-old student of Sheridan’s, showed a digital book she created using the iPad. Wotton narrated the book by recording her voice on the iPad and took her own photos for the book as well. 

It really has changed my classroom,” Sheridan said. They come in every morning excited to learn.”

Michael Oberdick, the district’s technology integration teacher, also ran through some programs students and teachers are using in the Middle School and High School. 

  • The Music Theory class at Seymour High School is using iPads to learn music, and will play the iPads along with the Waterbury Symphony Orchestra in May. Click here for more on that.
  • Students in all grades are using the innovative” presentation program Prezi to give book reports and other presentations.
  • Students in a seventh grade health class are trying a technology called Smart Response.” The system allows students to enter answers to questions using remote control clickers. The program allows teachers to analyze what material students need help on — immediately.
  • High School and Middle School art students are using a social network called Artsonia“ to publish their work and collaborate with students in their schools and at other schools. The students’ last names do not appear with their work.

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