Ansonia DTC Elects New Chairman

The Ansonia Democratic Town Committee has elected a new chairman for the first time in 12 years. 

Eileen Krugel, 53, is taking the reins of the 65-member committee, after long-time chairman Pauline Sampieri opted not to run for the post last month. 

Krugel will be responsible for leading the party as local Republicans become more active, and as voter rolls reflect a growing percentage of unaffiliated voters. 

They’re (Republicans) picking up some momentum in their visibility, which is a good thing because it’s good to have informed people in town,” Krugel said. But we will maintain growth.”

The Republicans had their first candidate in a decade elected to the Board of Aldermen this past November. 

Krugel said she wants to bring new, younger members on board and improve the way the committee uses technology — starting with launching a Web site for the group. 

Krugel also hopes to gain more minority members on the committee.

The demographics are changing in Ansonia and we want to reflect the community,” Krugel said.

The Democratic Town Committee has 65 of its 70 slots filled. 



Pauline Sampieri talks with other members of the Democratic Town Committee during the group's caucus in 2009.

The town committee also elected a new vice chairman — JoLynn Flaherty — and a new recording secretary — Diana Branch. The treasurer, James Hubbard, was re-elected to the post. 

Sampieri has served 12 years as chairman and 12 years as vice chairman. She led the party as it elected the longest-running mayor in city history — Mayor James Della Volpe. 

I feel that the party has continued to be successful,” Sampieri said. The members have all been cooperative and working for the party.”

Sampieri said Krugel has support from the party and will make a good chairman. 

I wish her all the best,” Sampieri said. 

Acting Mayor Stephen Blume also praised Krugel’s ability, saying she was computer savvy and has helped out with past elections. 

I think she’ll be very good for it,” Blume said. She’s young and energetic.”

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