Ansonia, Derby Schools Slated To Gain The Most Under Malloy Plan

Gov. Dannel Malloy’s office released a statement Wednesday morning saying the state wants to provide more than $50 million in new money to the Education Cost Sharing” formula — state aid to local schools.

Click here for complete budget coverage from CT News Junkie.

Here is how Malloy’s proposal would affect area school districts’ ECS funding:

Last year: $15,031,668
Proposed increase: $539,715
Percent increase: 3.59

Last year: $6,865,689
Proposed increase: $280,532
Percent increase: 4.09

Last year: $4,606,861
Proposed increase: $60,409
Percent increase: 1.31 percent

Last year: $9,836,508
Proposed increase: $167,586
Percent increase: 1.7

Last year: $4,975,852
Proposed increase: $170,427
Percent increase: 3.43

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