Residents will decide Tuesday on the town budget, the school budget and whether to replace the roof at the Great Oak Middle School.
Voting will take place from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Quaker Farms School at 30 Great Oak Road.
The budgets, if approved, would increase the tax rate by .61 mill.
A person with a property assessed at $250,000 would see an increased tax bill of $153 next year.
The $38.6 million spending plan for 2010 – 2011 includes $25.4 million for education and about $13.2 million for town operations.
The roof replacement project asks voters whether the town should spend $1.8 million to install a metal roof and solar panels on the school.
Town officials said the town will get reimbursed for a portion of the project.
Oxford is eligible for a $324,000 grant from the state’s Clean Energy Fund to purchase the solar panels for the roof. The town is also eligible for $180,000 in reimbursement from the Department of Education. The town also secured $61,000 from the American Recovery Reinvestment Act.
Here is a sample ballot: