Seymour Probes Detective Sergeant Goodmaster

The Seymour Board of Police Commissioners listened to nearly three hours of closed-door testimony Tuesday night during a disciplinary hearing involving Detective Sgt. Ronald Goodmaster.

Goodmaster is accused of not informing his superiors about a fugitive living in Seymour. Police eventually arrested Moses Morgan, 33, a wanted man from New Jersey.

An internal investigation by Lt. Paul Satkowski accused Goodmaster of violating several police guidelines.

The town’s police commission probed the issue Tuesday in a session that was closed to the public.

They didn’t take action against Goodmaster. Instead, the hearing was continued until June 6.

We haven’t made a decision yet,” said Howard Simpson, chairman of the commission.

Goodmaster declined comment.

Goodmaster was represented in the hearing by police union attorney Richard Gudis. His own attorney, Vicky Ferrera, was also there. They wouldn’t comment either. 

The witnesses, in order of appearance, were:

  • Satkowski, who performed the internal investigation.
  • A representative of the New Jersey parole board, who had allegedly contacted Goodmaster last fall about a potentially dangerous fugitive.
  • Sgt. Richard Gittings
  • Detective Brian Anderson
  • Community Police Officer Sergio Desiderato
  • Patrolman Dedrick Wilcox

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