AAA Southern New England – CT recently honored the Shelton Police Department with a Silver Award for the department’s outstanding traffic safety programs that include mature driver training, reduction in auto crashes and aggressive speed enforcement initiatives.
In addition, AAA recognized Officer Chris Roback as a department-nominated Traffic Safety Hero for his efforts involving DUI arrests and preparing DUI warrants.
At AAA’s 5th Annual Community Traffic Safety Awards lunch at Marisa’s, Trumbull, Public Affairs Manager Fran Mayko, center, presented Shelton Police Chief Joel Hurliman (second, right) with a Silver Award.
Attending the event were, from left, Officer Mark Siglinger, Officer Chris Roback with his award; and Sgt. Pete Zaksewicz, (right). Officers Siglinger and Zaksewicz are two certified AAA Driving Improvement Program Instructors.