Sutter-Terlizzi American Legion Post 16 is hosting a Family Pasta Dinner and Magic Show to benefit The Fisher House at 295 Old Bridgeport Ave. in Shelton.
The dinner will be Friday, January 26 2018. Spaghetti, meatballs, french bread and salad will be served at 6PM, followed by the magic of Brian Lizotte at 7PM. The cost is $15 per person, kids 12 and under $6 and pre-school age children and under are free.
Tickets may be purchased in advance at Post 16 most afternoons. Buying in advance is encouraged. Call the post at (203) 924‑9887 to make sure it is open prior to coming to purchase tickets.
The members of American Legion Post 16 are U.S. Veterans still serving America. Please join us in supporting the Fisher House. On April 11, 2017 the Fisher House Foundation broke ground on a new Fisher House at the VA Medical Center in West Haven, CT.
The Connecticut Fisher House will provide accommodations for the families of Connecticut Veterans when facing a medical crisis. The house is scheduled to open early 2018.
The Fisher House Foundation builds and maintains long term residential facilities near military hospitals nationwide for the families of seriously injured soldiers who need a place to stay during the long rehabilitation process. This is a vital need, which is not covered by any other resource. The facilities are supported by contributions and the VA Hospital and openings are granted in reverse order of rank, so that the lower enlisted soldiers, has first chance at the housing. The stay is free for the Soldiers and their families for the entire time they are there.
Currently there are over 45 Fisher Houses worldwide mostly in the United States. Since 1990 they have provided services to over 8,500 military families who have stayed more than 1.5 million days supporting their soldier during rehabilitation.
Come visit Post 16 for an evening of good food and fun while supporting a great cause.