Attorney: Plea Deal To Be Offered In Ex-Oxford Tax Collector Case

The state is going to offer ex-tax collector Karen Guillet a plea bargain at her next court date, July 18 in Milford, according to her attorney. 

Details of that agreement are not known at his time. 

Guillet made a brief appearance in Superior Court in Milford Thursday. A prosecutor and Dominick Thomas, Guillet’s attorney, met with a judge behind closed doors.

We had some discussions in (the judge’s) chambers (today). We went back and forth and discussed various positions we had,” Thomas said. 

Thomas said he is not certain he and his client will accept the state’s offer. He hasn’t seen it, so it depends on the details of the offer.

Guillet, the town’s elected tax collector for some 20 years, was arrested in late November after a two-year investigation by state police.

Guillet is charged with one count of first-degree larceny and six counts of first-degree forgery. State police believe she embezzled some $240,000 from taxpayers.

The arrest warrant in the case said Guillet collected money and did not credit accounts, all the while living a lavish lifestyle.

In addition to the criminal case, the town has a civil lawsuit pending against Guillet, claiming she actually stole more than $600,000 over the years. The civil case is still pending.

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