Boys & Girls Club Announces Before, After School Program

The Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley’s Raymond P. Lavietes Unit in Shelton introduces its new before and after school Kindergarten Program. 

Our program is a supplement to the kindergartener’s school day, with countless opportunities to develop fine and gross motor skills; participate in dramatic play and arts; be constructively engaged with other children and adult staff; and enhance math, literacy, and critical-thinking skills. 

The program is open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Children may attend for as few as three hours a day or as many as eight hours a day, before and after school.

Shelton school buses will pick children up at our Clubhouse and bring them to school, and they will pick them up at the end of their school day and bring them to our Clubhouse. 

Children may bring breakfast if they haven’t eaten at home. The Club will provide a nutritious snack and lunch before sending them to school or lunch and a snack when they arrive after their school day is over. 

Rates are $200/month for 5 days a week, up to 3 hours a day; $350/month for 5 days a week, up to 6 hours a day; and $450/month for 5 days a week, up to 8 hours a day.

There is a $15 registration fee. Snow days cost $20. For those children attending up to 3 hours per day, if there is a delayed opening or early dismissal and kindergarten is cancelled, there is a $20 fee for the day. 

Registration must be done in person due to the limited number of spaces available. A registration form may be downloaded from our website and filled out in advance ( Clubhouse/Kindergarten Program) or parents may obtain a form at the Clubhouse.

To register, parents must complete the registration form; provide an updated physical form, signed and dated by the child’s pediatrician, which includes the child’s date of birth and immunizations; the first month’s tuition payment; and read and understand our Parent Handbook (available online and at our Clubhouse).

For more information about our Boys & Girls Club, visit us at

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