The Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley held its 2016 Scholarship Award Ceremony on May 17.
Linda Welch, Chair of the Scholarship Committee, awarded 18 students with a combined total of $23,117 in college scholarships. It was a wonderful evening with the recipients and family.
The scholarship recipients were Keith Prior, Jostin Cobb, Holly Critchley, Andrew Fernandes, Marila Jennifer Saberi, Emily Kulikowski, Samantha Bellotti, Madelynne Cable, Hayvin Cobb, Megan Byrne, Alina Gonzales, Ashley Sanchez, Mackenzie Curley, Matthew Borges, Lauren Simon, Jessica Cipriano, Ronald Hubbard and Jessica Mehaylo. The scholarships and awards amounts were as follows:
Scholarship Information
Coram Gardens Civic Association – $6,000
This award was established in 1987 by the former Coram Gardens Civic Association to help improve the quality of life for those people from the geographic region of Coram Gardens. Since its inception, more than $137,000 has been disbursed to help defer the cost of college tuitions.
Raymond P. Lavietes – $4,000
This award was established in 2005 by long-time friend and supporter Ray Lavietes. Ray left our Boys & Girls Club a bequest of $100,000 to help our members afford a secondary education. Thanks to Ray’s generosity, more than $43,000 has been disbursed in scholarship funds.
Dr. Edward G. Bednar – $5,000
This award was established in 2010, in memory of ​“Doc” Bednar, a long-time Board member and unfailing supporter of our Club and the children who attend every day. Since the first scholarship only five years ago, the Bednar family has already awarded more than $12,200 to help students pursuing an education in the healthcare field.
George C. & Margaret Smith – $4,000
George C. and Margaret Smith left a surprise bequest of $100,000 to our Boys & Girls Club. Since its inception this fund has provided more than $114,000 for secondary education to our young men and women.
David J. Marchitto – $1,000
This new scholarship is being awarded for the first time this year, in memory of David Marchitto, a long-time member of our Board. David tirelessly advocated for the children of the Boys & Girls Club and all the youngsters in the Shelton Public School system. Through this scholarship, he will continue to be a positive and lasting influence in the lives of Club members as they pursue their hopes and dreams.
George & Beatrice Ryan – $2,617
After leaving the service after World War II, Shelton resident George Ryan jumped with both feet into the automotive industry. Many years later, Mr. Ryan is still passionate about the career that has taken him from the gas pumps to the successful Curtiss-Ryan Honda car dealership. And now George is eager to share his passion by extending a helping hand to others who enter the field.
“I always thought I should give back to the community,” said Mr. Ryan. ​“It has supported me, and I believe that I should support it.” In 2004, Ryan chose to do exactly that by establishing the George and Beatrice Ryan Scholarship Fund at Valley Community Fund, which provides scholarships to students who are planning to study automotive administration, sales or technology.
For more information about the Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley, visit us at