Cheerleading Magazine To Feature Oxford Team

The Oxford, Connecticut High School Cheerleading Team was recently selected as Team of the Month” by American Cheerleader Magazine.

The squad will be featured in the July 2012 edition of the magazine, which has 1.2 million readers.

Team members in the photo kneeling left to right: Meghan Isberg, Rebecca Yesulaites, Casey Moran, and Morgan Hare. Second row left to right, bent over at waist: Coach Heather Cinicola, Amanda Donofrio, Alyssa Ferreone, Jessica Lewis, Deja Texeira, Alexis Jelenik, and Katelyn Twombly. Back row from left to right: Jessica Fedak, Jamie Blake, Ellen Yacovelli, Brooke Kuzma, Jessica Gianetta, Amber Murray, Natalie Peterson, Kassidy Rosa, Vanessa Rosa, and Coach Marie Kashuba. Missing from photo: Cassandra Miller.

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