Commodore Hull 5K Registration Open, Honorary Starter Named

Registration is now open for the 2018 Commodore Hull Thanksgiving Day 5k Road Race. The registered runners have been increased from 750 to 800 this year, and online registration will close as soon as that limit is reached. There will be no registrations taken on race day. 

Click here to register.

Registration fees have been kept at their same low $25 level again this year. Grammar and high school runners receive a discount and register for $10. Our 70+ runners get an even better deal — they register free of charge. 

Registration fees for all runners goes up to $30 on November 20. Divisions are (male and female): 18 – 19, 20 – 29, 30 – 39, 40 – 49, 50 – 59, and 60 – 69. Special Divisions: Grammar School, High School, Holstein (male – 200 lb. minimum, female – 160 lb. minimum), and 70 and over. 

There are no race refunds once you have registered; however, should something change and you can’t run, you can transfer your registration to another runner for a $5 fee. 

Disposable Bib Chip Technology will once again be provided by Fast Track Timing, LLC, and race results will be available almost instantaneously through their phone app. 

Awards will be presented to the first-place male and female runners overall, and the top three male and female finishers in each division. Special awards will go to the top three male and female runners in the High School Division. 

Race packet pickup will be held at the Boys & Girls Club at One Positive Place in Shelton on Sunday and Wednesday, November 18 and 21. Runners are strongly encouraged to pick their packets up on these days. Goody bags are guaranteed to the first 500 runners to pick their race bibs up. 

Greco & Haines, our flagship sponsor since 2002, will once again be providing a quality race shirt to all the runners. 

Diane Stroman has been named honorary starter at this year’s race. Shaye Roscoe, Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley, said, We are thrilled that Diane has been selected as our honorary starter. Diane is a dedicated and active member of our community whose compassion and advocacy has positively impacted countless lives throughout the years.” 

Diane has served our community for more than 35 years and retired this year from her position as Vice President of TEAM Inc. She is deeply passionate and very knowledgeable about the community’s needs. Diane lives in Ansonia, where she grew up and has two children and two grandsons.

When I look over the list of past honorary starters, I am humbled to have been asked” Diane said. It is a great honor to be selected. This race is a testimony of how the Valley and surrounding towns can come together in support of one another. I look forward to seeing the runners, friends, and families at the starting line.”

Jimmy Tickey, chair of the race committee, said, I am thrilled to serve as Chair of our Commodore Hull Thanksgiving Day Road Race in Downtown Shelton. Every year, about 800 runners – with their friends and family cheering them on – join us on Thanksgiving morning for a special 5k road race. The morning is always filled with gratitude and our strong Valley spirit, and I am so pleased to be a part of this great Valley tradition,” said Jimmy Tickey. 

To keep up to date about all race happenings, visit our website at and sign up for our newsletter, or contact Ann Wheeler at 203 – 924-7462,

The original race website is still active, and will remain available until all the information, dating back to the first race in 2002, is brought over. You can find this treasure trove of race history at

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